Podman MongoDB
Run Mongodb on macOS with Podman.
status: draft documentation, right now untested
Documentation of how to run docker.io/library/mongodb with Podman on macOS and store the MongoDB data directory on the macOS host.
Examine the container image on a Linux computer
On a Fedora 38 (Linux) computer find out which UID and GID in the container that should be mapped to your regular user.
sudo dnf install podman
podman pull docker.io/library/mongo
- run the commandThe User field in the image is not set. This is often a hint that the container image should be started as the container user root (which is the default).
$ podman image inspect \
--format "user: {{.User}}" \
$ mkdir datadir
- run the mongodb container
podman run \
--rm \
-d \
--name mongo \
-p 27017:27017 \
-v ./datadir:/data/db:Z \
ab27226071714d0e15fe4f08014fd42b2a2fd78813dfde609d933cec62292cac - Check which UID and GID ownership the files under the directory datadir have.
Run the commandAll the files are owned by the container UID 999 and GID 999. This is good to know when running under macOS because there we need to map UIDs and GIDs so that these files will be stored with the same ownership as the regular user on the host. To do that we will use the command-line option
$ podman unshare ls -ln datadir
total 64
-rw-------. 1 999 999 4096 May 3 06:39 collection-0-7725828959745876180.wt
-rw-------. 1 999 999 4096 May 3 06:39 collection-2-7725828959745876180.wt
-rw-------. 1 999 999 4096 May 3 06:39 collection-4-7725828959745876180.wt
drwx------. 2 999 999 71 May 3 06:39 diagnostic.data
-rw-------. 1 999 999 4096 May 3 06:39 index-1-7725828959745876180.wt
-rw-------. 1 999 999 4096 May 3 06:39 index-3-7725828959745876180.wt
-rw-------. 1 999 999 4096 May 3 06:39 index-5-7725828959745876180.wt
-rw-------. 1 999 999 4096 May 3 06:39 index-6-7725828959745876180.wt
drwx------. 2 999 999 110 May 3 06:39 journal
-rw-------. 1 999 999 4096 May 3 06:39 _mdb_catalog.wt
-rw-------. 1 999 999 2 May 3 06:39 mongod.lock
-rw-------. 1 999 999 4096 May 3 06:39 sizeStorer.wt
-rw-------. 1 999 999 114 May 3 06:39 storage.bson
-rw-------. 1 999 999 50 May 3 06:39 WiredTiger
-rw-------. 1 999 999 4096 May 3 06:39 WiredTigerHS.wt
-rw-------. 1 999 999 21 May 3 06:39 WiredTiger.lock
-rw-------. 1 999 999 1165 May 3 06:39 WiredTiger.turtle
-rw-------. 1 999 999 4096 May 3 06:39 WiredTiger.wt--userns keep-id:uid=999,gid=999
Run Mongodb on macOS with Podman
Install Podman
brew install podman
podman machine init
podman machine start
Run MongoDB
mkdir datadir
- run the mongo container
podman -c podman-machine-default \
run \
--rm \
--userns keep-id:uid=999,gid=999 \
-d \
--security-opt label=disable \
--name mongo \
-p 27017:27017 \
-v ./datadir:/data/db \
- optional: verify that the files in the directory datadir are owned by your user and group
$ find datadir | wc -l
$ find datadir -not -user $(id -un)
$ find datadir -not -group $(id -gn)
There is no chown error
$ podman -c podman-machine-default logs mongo | grep -i chown